Sunday 22 January 2012

How To Set Up Modem Profile Management For Glo Network

Setting up Profile Management for Glo Network on another Network Modem Software you need to have some of this information first.

Profile Name


I will start with the Profile Name first. Under the “profile name” you have write the name you need to use to identify the Glo network, preferably you might write  


At the APN Area you need to click on the static check box option to enable you write on the box,
 The GLO APN is

Then now move to the Authentication Area where you need to write the Access number the password and the username

Under the Access number Write
*99# if it is not set automatically set for you

Under the Username write
Under the password write

Then finally click on the OK button or on the Save Button to save your settings. You might also desire to set it as your Default Profile Management just click on the down button at the right hand side of the dialog box

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