Wednesday 14 December 2011

How To Create Joomla Database

Creating joomla database is the easiest thing to do after xampp installation, to do this simply launch your xampp server and click the Apache and the MYSQL server, then click on the MYSQL admin button after 

the starting the to servers or you go to your browser launch and type in this address after starting those server, http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

When the page displays, then create a database by just typing in your desirable database name inside the text 
field area, which is what you will use for your joomla installation then click on create button, then your database is created and will immediately displays at the left hand side of the page.

This is not all you have to do, because you still need to create a user account that you will use in logging in to the database.

To do this click on the privilege tab at the tab bar on top of the page by the left, and then look for the link call the Add New User and click to lead you to the main page where you need set up the rest settings.

Once you are on the page, fill in all  the options that is in there and forward. Do the following 

Username: use text field          your username

Host: Any host                         Localhost

Password :                                your password

Re-type                                     confirm the password

Leave the generate password option and and click on the check all link

(check All/ UncheckAl) to check all and finally click on the go button and you are done, then you are qualify to install the software that is the joomla sotware.

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