Wednesday 14 December 2011

How To Install Joomla To Your Pc

How to install joomla after you have finish the extraction, Xampp installation and database creation, first of all open the Xampp server that you installed on your pc, then start the first two server which are Apeche and MYSQL servers

Now that you have start the both server all you now need to do is just to go straight to the start menu or on your desktop environment and open your internet browser. When this start running then type in an address of this nature to access the joomla files 

http://localhost/joomlafoldernam/ (the folder name that you extracted joomla into during the extraction)
This displays to start the joomla installation lets start installing joomla right away.

When that address opens the files the you have to click on the next button at the top right hand side of the page, this leads you to another page then click on the next button as well to continue the installation.
In every click of the next button it brings you to another page entirely, then click on the next button once more and the fill in the details which you have done while creating the database.

On this page that is where the main installation takes place.
At those options you have to leave the first and second options which are “MYSQLi and localhost”, if there are not set this way then you need to select and write it that way.
Then the next option there is that you type in the username that you created during the database creation and the password that is the admin username and passwor, then the database that you created just the name. Those are the things you need fill in there your self, every other thing leave it as it is.

Note this username and password is not the one that you will use in logging in to the administration control panel, we are heading to the page after this present one.
Click on the next button to continue.

On this page is where you will fill in all the detail about yourself and the site itself. This page will ask you to input your email address, your control panel username and paswor just like signing up into a website. Make sure that you dill all the options.

Then at the end or the bottom of the page you will be ask if you want to install the sample if you want install it and if you want don’t and move forward, I advice that you install it and see how the site looks like.
Click on the next button and this will lead you to the final page where it will ask you to move to the joomla folder area on your local disk under the xampp server and delete it. You can delete it right on that page by clicking on that link for the deletion to occur automatically.
Now you have finish the installation, to now go to your admin cpanel then you need to click on the administration button in there.

The next page it displays will ask for the admin password and username put it and then click on the login butoon to lead you to your control panel and the start your web creation.

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