Saturday 21 January 2012

Contact Me On Some Of This Means

Welcome to my contact page.
Maybe why you are on this page is because you clicked on one of my service photo and you arrive on this page,
You just decide to call me and ask questions about a particular tips
probably to congratulate me on the tips you read on this blog

then this page is the right place to do those things listed above

We can talk to each other by some of this ways
Sending me a message with

we can also talk on some of the social communities such as on facebook, twitter, netlog etc
on facebook
Thereby Hooking On Chat Some Times
on twitter
on netlog

You can as well call me on mobile phone with this phone numbers below
if you are not in Nigeria please remove the first zero (0) and add +234 then add the rest and make the call but if you are in Nigeria do any how lol


We appreciate it when you call us with the mobile phone  means


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