Thursday 29 December 2011

Storing Your Documents On 4shared Web Store

Storing your documents or files on the internet is one thing that you need t to do to run from lost when you get damage on your pc.

Thank God for 4Shared website, storing file and sharing as well. This is a website that allow you to open an account with

them, offering you the sum of 10GB free space where you can upload your files and store it.

This particular site also allow you to buy extra space for those whose documents or files that they need to store on the internet is more than 10GB

Signing up with this site is one thing that you will never regret, they will store your files for you till the time you need them then you will download it back from the site.

This site allow you to enjoy a lot of features such as

Storing your documents of files even folders containing a lot files inside it

Giving you a link of a particular file that you stored in the site thereby using the link to download the file.
Creating a URL for a particular file (www. Name .

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