Wednesday 14 December 2011

Learn How To Install Xampp Server

To install Xampp you need to download the software first before installing you can download this from different download sites or from the xampp sites or you can google it as well and get the links to the sites that it can be downloaded from.

After downloading this particular xampp, then move to the location where you downloaded it into and double click to install like any other software, but soon you might have a little problem when the dos shows up for the installation to continue. This will extract and when the extraction line is filled it will show up a Dos window for the continuation of the installation.

The first thing this ask when it shows up is
Should I add shortcut to the start menu /desktop? (y/n)
Choose y for yes and n for no if you didn’t like that proposal.

Next thing that you will now see is
Should I proceed? (y/n = exit setup)
Choose y for yes and hit enter to proceed the installation.

Next is
Your choice ? (y/n)
Choose n and hit enter to install all the server that is both Apache, Php, Msql, etc to your pc.
When that is done it will echo out a text telling you that the xampp server has being install successfully,
Then it will ask you to press <Return> to continue, then press enter button to continue.
Note that you have to press the enter button twice to continue. 

After all that as well it will bring out a lot of options, asking to either start some of the option listed for you above, such as start the server or other things with this for you to choose  with a choose option <1-7/x>
Just write x and hit the enter twice as well.

To start this server you need to open it from your desktop area or from the start menu and then start the first two server that is Apeche and Msql and then they begins to run immediately.

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