Thursday, 29 December 2011

How To View PHP Script Using XAMPP SERVER

XAMPP server has being the server which works with all system both on windows, Macintosh etc use for viewing PHP, PERL etc  scripts.

Making use of the XAMPP server, to view PHP script with your System if the XAMPP server is installed successfully, then

Create the PHP file that you wish to view on your system with any programming Editor.

Save the file under the XAMPP Folder on the Local Disk Area

When you install XAMPP server to your PC it is normally being saved under the Local Disk area, which is accessed from the my computer environment

After accessing the Xampp server under the Local Disk Area, then look for the folder called htdocs and save your file in there. You can wish to create a folder and save the file like in the case of creating a website then save your files in the folder.

Now you might wish to see your work on PHP then all you need to do is to go to the Xampp control Panel and start the Apache server and if you need to connect to your database then you will need to start the Mysql server as well

Then the next thing to do is to go to your browser and type in the address of the file starting this way http://localhost/filename or http://localhost/forldername/filename  but if you are creating a website and you stored the files inside a folder, you no while creating a website you need to save the homepage with the name index.html or index.php then if you only type in the folder in this case it will not display the list of all files being stored in that folder but it will now go straight to access the index.html or index.php file this way http://localhost/foldername

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