Sunday 22 January 2012

Learn How to Set Up Mtn Internet

Using your phone and you wish to be browsing with it, with Mtn network then you font have to look for the configuration settings any longer.

Mtn has make it very simple for you to get the phone configuration settings instantly, and some other network has done so too, keep checking for update and you will definitely find that of other networks.
This service help you to get the appropriate internet setting for the particular phone you are using.

Do you want to do this now, then folow this procedure below and you will surely get that of your phone immediately.
Note that this particular service does not work on china phones but you can try it any way.

Go to the menu and open the Message icon on your phone menu.
open the send new message option on the opened Message area

Under the place you suppose to type in the message you need to send just type only
and send
while trying to send the message and there ask you for the number you are sending the message too just type in
"3888" then finally press the send or yes or the ok button

Thereafter you will receive a message asking you to wait that the settings will arrive very soon, also telling you that you need to open the message and save it with the save button which is what you suppose to do.

Once the message arrive then open it and press the save button and that will be all, after that a message will arrive as well telling that you can now browse the internet any where you are.

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