Wednesday 14 December 2011

How To Chat With Friend On Mobile Phone

This post is for people who can’t chat with their friends on facebook, yahoo, google talk, my space and many more with their phone except while using the pc.

Open your browser and type and download the application which is called Nimbuzz.

Move to the folder that you downloaded it into and launch the file. While opening the file the first thing to do before using the app is to first of all create an account with them and you will be signed in automatically when you wish to use the application.

Once you register, you need to set up the yahoo, facebook, my space im accounts to enable you chat with people that are online.

To add an account, you need to use the menu tag and click on the add account option.
It will load a page and you will see all the sites that you can use nimbuzz with then click and sign in to the site you wish to go to(if you have an account with all of the sites there you can add it all ) .

After the signing in, they will tell you that your account has being added.
Go back to the menu and check on those users in there or your friends in there you will see that for the account that you just sign in for.

Note all the friend there, are being attached with an icon indicating the site they are coming from.

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