Wednesday 28 December 2011

Creating Calendar

May be you need to create a calendar on your pc and print or add on an image. Here I want to show you a very simple way of doing it with Corel draw software.

Install Corel draw software to your pc, launch it by double clicking on the Corel draw icon on your desktop environment or launch from the all program files, click on new icon from the popped up window to start up a new page in Corel draw.

If you want to create the calendar directly, then scroll to the tools bar area and look for the visual basic tools bar and if is not there, all you need to do is just to right click on the empty part of the tools bar area and you will see it there, then click on the visual basic option to add it. Once it is being added then you can move it and fixed it with the other tools.

Place your mouse pointer at the icons and look for the one that is named “Run a VBA Macro” and click to open.
Once it opens at the “macro in:” drop down arrow, choose the calendar wizard option and click on Run at the right hand top of the dialog box.

This now displays another dialog box for the calendar design. Then you can start the design.
Now here are some of the things that you need to understand in there.

You will see a place called calendar date, all you need to write there is the year that you need to get the calendar for, if the date of the pc is not being set well then the current year wouldn’t be display correctly. Check the month that you need to create for, you can use the all button to check for the entire month.

Then come down to the calendar language an select your language but it is always being defaulted by English language, but if the language is not being set in there then you can use the new button to add the name of the months and weeksof the language that you need to add.
At the calendar language area you can also add where you want the weak to start from either from Sunday or Monday.

Down part of the calendar language you will add the layout of the calendar where you will see different types of calendar styles.

Note if you change the layout from the “Month Large” option, from the layout drop down arrow, the down tabs will increases as the work becomes much for you to do. But am going to use the “Month Large” option, to show you a little thing about this calendar creation at the tab area. As you change the calendar style from the layout drop down arrow, you will see the previews at the right hand side of the dialog box.

Now dealing with the “page layout” tab, you can set the calendar orientation and the width, height, and margin of the calendar (first of all remove it from the checked “create calendar in current document” check button).

You have to use the Large Header tab to set up for the Date header title, the date headers and whether to highlight Sunday with another font.
To always show year with the month look for the “Show Year” check button and check it at the left hand side of the Large Header tab. As well if you need to abbreviate your Days of the Week you can use the “Style” drop down arrow at the right hand side of the Large Header tab, and the “position “ drop down to position the date header.

The Header here is the Name of the Days of the weak while the title here is the name of the Month of the year.

Now moving on to the “Large Body” tab, is all about the numeric value back ground and the font. Just try it on your own and see.

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