Wednesday 28 December 2011

Adding Extra Font To Your Pc

You might wants to add more font family to your pc’s software text editors.

Note don’t ever try to add font to the software font folder on your pc or else you will get your system texts to change to a language you might not understand or a symbol that you might not understand, thereby making you to format your system before you can be free from that.

To add those downloaded fonts or the once that you bought on your pc, you have to use the pc control panel font folder.

Go in to the control panel window and explore the folders in there by clicking on the “switch to classic view” at the left hand side of the sidebar.

Double click on the font folder to open the folder, when the folder opens you are going to see all the fonts that are on your pc. Go back to the font that you want to add to your system and copy them there and close the window once it finishes the coping.

Then now go back to any of the text editor on your pc and you will see the fonts being upgraded more than before.

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